Know The Phone Quality Using IMEI

#Best_Way to Know Your #Phone_Quality Without #Unpack_BOX IMEI stands for International Mobile Equipment Identity. It is a 15-digit number and may be found in the packet of the mobile phone. IMEI 15 Digits Indicates as bellow: + First 6 digits = Type Approval Code + 7th and 8th digit = Country made in (check country codes below) You also can know the #Device_Quality with these digits + 9-14th digits = Serial number + 15th digit = Check digit

Look at the 7th and 8th digit of your IMEI. These two digits will ensure your phone's quality. =>> If 7th and 8th digits are 00 this indicates your cell phone is manufactured in Original Factory which ensures the best quality.. =>> If 7th and 8th digits are 01 or 10, this indicates your cell phone is manufactured in Finland which is high quality. =>> If 7th and 8th digits are 02 or 20, this indicates your cell phone is assembled in Emirates which is very poor quality(NB: Some Indian sets have this number) . =>> If 7th and 8th digits are 03/30 or 04/40, this indicates your cell phone is made in China but its quality is good but not good as 00,01 or 10. =>> If 7th and 8th digits are 05 or 50 this indicates your cell phone is manufactured either in Brazil or Finland or USA. =>> If 7th and 8th digits are 06 or 60 this indicates your cell phone is manufactured either in Hong Kong or China or Mexico. =>> If 7th and 8th digits are 07 or 70 this indicates your cell phone is manufactured either in Finland. =>> If 7th and 8th digits are 08 or 80 this indicates your cell phone is manufactured in Germany which is fair quality. =>> If 7th and 8th digits are 13, this indicates your cell phone is assembled in Azerbaijan which is too bad and also dangerous for health.

Further, visit to get details about your mobile model by entering your imei number. Know More : OR OR [NOTE : These information is collected from internet, that can very in different website & can change any time]

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